Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I LOVE Shoes!!!!

Have you ever loved something and forgotten how much you love something??

I love shoes, I know that I love shoes, I just forgot just how much I love shoes, until today.

I rarely spend money on myself, and when I do it's normally for things I need.  I have a few pairs of shoes, they were bought at a second hand store and they are ok.  They look ok, the feel ok, they do their job covering my feet.

Then there are the shoes I'm wearing today.  I bought these back in October for a special occasion.  I also bought 2 dresses to wear with them, one for the special occasion and one for work.  I've been putting off wearing the work dress because of insecurities, but today went ahead and wore it anyways.  The shoes look pretty, they feel pretty, and they make me feel better about myself.

I can't wait to buy another pair of pretty shoes!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Rude Joggers

I've recently started getting up at 6am to walk 1.5 miles before starting my day.  Even though it's hard dragging my butt out of bed every morning, giving up that extra hour of sleep, I rather enjoy the cool air and alone time to collect my thoughts.

I walk on a trail that is paved, it's a walking/bike trail and each lane is big enough for 2 bikers to ride side by side or 3 joggers side by side.  At 6am you mostly only see a few joggers here and there, another reason I enjoy the mornings, because the trail is pretty empty.

When ever I hear some one behind me I more over as far to the right as I can, I normally walk as far right as I can, but sometimes as my mind drifts so does my walking.  Bikers almost always pass in the left lane and so do joggers.

This morning I was almost ran down 2 of the rudest joggers ever!  I was more then half way done with my walk, still on the trail when I heard a jogger behind me.  I was already as far right as I could go when this gentleman jogged so close to me bumped my shoulder with his arm, he didn't say sorry or excuse me, he just kept jogging.  I was shocked, I've walked this trail so many times and this has never happened.  I made a frowny face and kept walking.  As I finished my walk, leaving the trail heading home, I was on a narrow sidewalk and I heard a jogger behind me, I move the the left because moving to the right put me on the road facing on coming traffic.  I stepped off of the sidewalk onto the dirt shoulder giving the jogger all of the sidewalk (a sidewalk that 2 people can walk side by side on) and this jogger, a different jogger then before bumps me and keeps jogging.

I know when I got up this morning there wasn't a "bump me" sign on my back.  I guess I will have to place a "DONT bump" me sign on my back tomorrow!!