Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Keep Your Beans Outta My Chili

Chili is short for Chile Con Carne... Which is Spanish for meat with chilis.  Does it say Chili Con Carne Con Frijoles? No, no it does not!!

According to the ICS (International Chili Society) Chili can be traced back to the early 1900's in San Antonio, the Chili Queens, who were most part Mexican, made spicy meat stew and sold it around the city's Military Plaza.

Further more, *Susan DeLance... if your chili has beans in it, it ain't chili!!!

*Susan Delance is my bestie who is crazy because she thinks chili has beans in it!!!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

I'm Allowed to Crave Food!!

If you are a woman, you have most likely had this happened to you at least once. Your hungry and says something like  "I'm craving XYZ" and someone else says "Craving??? You pregnant?"

Ok, we can crave food without being pregnant, and honestly it's not as hilarious as you think it is...  If a man says he's in the mood for Hot pretzels with beer cheese, I'm not thinking anything more then "he must be hungry" ... But when I order a meatball sub with extra pickles I get asked "You pregnant?"  Which I like to respond with "No, just gross"

By the way... Hot Pretzels with Beer Cheese sounds AMAZING right now!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2018


I didn't write a single post in 2017... Yet so much happened in 2017...  Today I read things that made me laugh, made me smile, things I forget, things that made me sound crazy LOL...

So, I even though posting everyday isn't something I can commit to, I am going to try to post once a month!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

They Aren't Playing Fair

I'm not typically someone who cries "It's not fair".  
I mean with the life I've been dealt, 
fairness was NEVER part of the deal.

Interviewing for a job is much like playing a game with only minimal rules, But I'm trying to play the game the best I can with what rules I have in front of me.  I dress nicely and professionally, I bring extra resumes, my references, I show up 15 minutes early, I smile, make eye contact, answer everything with a positive attitude, and I send Thank you's to the interviewer.

Why is it impossible for an interviewer to do one simple little thing for the people who have invested time, energy, and hope into their company?  Why can't they let us know when they have filled the position?  When you've jump though several hoops for them, Phone interview, face to face interview, 4 hour work interview, I don't think it's to much to ask for a simple email/phone call/ form letter stating they Thank you for your time, but they filled to position.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

No Loyalty for the Loyal!

There is something that is really bothering me.  It's keeping me awake at night and causing knots in my stomach!

In the beginning of March, my boss announced that she will be closing her practice and our last day of work would be May 12, 2016.  We were all told that we would receive 4 weeks pay as severance, and then after our meeting, my boss came to me and said she would be giving me 6 weeks, I asked if I could buy my company laptop and was told, I could keep it, I thanked my boss for her kindness, for the extra 2 weeks, and for the laptop.  She said, I've been a great and loyal employee of 5 years and it's the least she could do.


I fucked up!!! Yep! In February I sent the wrong receipt to a patient, which is a HIPAA violation, in 5 years doing what I do, I have never made such a mistake, and yes it was big.

So, as punishment I lost 4 weeks of severance.  This is a huge hit, my plans where based on the verbal promise of 6 weeks.  It is true that I've been a loyal employee, I've turned down 2 job offers made to me during the 5 years I worked for my employer, I've endured some pretty bad verbal abuse, and ignored years of co-workers and colleagues telling me to "get out, and don't look back"

I know I should be thankful I still have 2 weeks severance and the laptop, and I am thankful for that, but I also feel betrayed, let down, and forgotten about, as if the last 5 years were all boiled down to this one mistake, no matter how big the mistake was.

I am ready for a change, a big change!!!  I'm scared but also very excited!!!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Corn is better then Peas

Corn is better then Peas.  Most people know this but not everyones seems to truly understands that it is fact not opinion that Corn is better then Peas.

Some people think that if they call their Peas corn then it makes them equal to Corn, but they aren't.

Some people never had Corn, thats why they think Peas are the same thing, not ever close.

Don't you forget it.  Corn is better then Peas!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

I've never been stung by a bee!!

I've never been stung by a bee
I've never bought a new car off the lot
I've never been to jail
I've never toured Alcatraz
I've never caught a fish
I've never made strawberry jam
I've never been to a costume party
I've never been invited to a New Year Eve Party
I've never broken a bone
I've never learned to french braid
I've never been in a physical fight with someone I wasn't related to
I've never been to my mother's grave
I've never skinny dipped
I've never fired a gun
I've never changed a flat tire
I've never enjoyed running
I've never been surfing
I've never been sky diving
I've never wanted to go sky diving
I've never found buried treasure