Growing up, I use to love Christmas. I remember being 5 and my mom filling every inch of our home with Decorations, she baked every day, it was truly a magical time of the year. As I grew up my family got smaller and smaller, so Christmas isn't about family as much as it should be.
Every year I seem to hate Christmas more then the last... I struggle to try and make Christmas what it should be and yet balancing what the children expect from the holiday, and try to give off that "magical feeling vibe" I had as a young child, but it's a huge task and a cumbersome burden. This year alone I have already had 2 break downs that I wont be able to pull off a decent christmas and it's not even Thanksgiving yet!!
Every year Christmas is just fine, but the stress it induces is sickening!!
Last night at Target, Stevi ran off to the Christmas area because she loves listening to the christmas music. I mumbled under my breath "I hate Christmas" and a near by employee busted out in laughter and said to me, "You and me both"!!
I am truly Thankful that Christmas only comes once a year!!!!!!